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English Forum

Publié : 13 nov. 2020 16:13
par Coromandel
With only a handful RG members making use of the English Forum I sometimes wonder whether it is worthwhile all the effort that the administrators are putting into it. Would it be an idea if the the current EF users start making use of the French forum and make the EF dormant. I find that the French Forum is reasonably easy to read by applying the "free" google translator. The english speaking members could continue to write their input in English as is often done on the chat. Added advantage is that this setup would bring the EF members closer to the French members.

"Just a thought" ;)


Re: English Forum

Publié : 13 nov. 2020 17:58
par smiticks42
Thank you for your message, it's very nice of you to think about the staff and the job he has on your favorite platform :D .
We will study your proposal because there are good ideas in your message.

Thanks a lot Frank.

Re: English Forum

Publié : 13 nov. 2020 19:12
par limelight
The only worry being the objections that some might raise on seeing English in what is supposed to be a French forum. I remember someone taking exception to my English on the chat :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I do wish more people participated on the English forum though. What happened to Kev, Ard ... etc.

Re: English Forum

Publié : 15 nov. 2020 01:34
par blzblz
Hi Cormandel / limelight and all.

Admisrators do feed the en & sp forums (bit of work indeed).

EN (and ES) forums (fora) might be needed for those who don't translate the FR forum ?
No idea, open talk, free speech

We DO welcome non french speaking sailors, and all the frenchy froggies should post in the EN forum ? Up to you
limelight a écrit :
13 nov. 2020 19:12
I do wish more people participated on the English forum though.
Many tks for the Tokyo - Valpo forum crossover some months ago :!: