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End of the Windsurf seasons

Publié : 13 nov. 2017 21:36
par blzblz

The windsurf races are going to stop at the end of this Fall season :o

We are geting a bit bored with theses polars and should try something else.
I looked hard for other windsurf polars, and asked a windsurfing club and a windsurfing forum where some people are collecting data of their sails, but I have not been able to get an answer :(

There will still be a weekly race starting every Sunday evening and lasting around 2 days, but with another boat.

It should be the 49er, a little dinghy sailboat that seems to run very well.
You can have a look at her polars below, we still have some work to do to integrate them into the game, it should be a gift for the end of the year.

Hoping that these more conventional polars will attract a bit more skippers into the Sunday races.

A lot of thanks to all the virtual windsurfers who contributed to all theses past races, there are still a few left to come, enjoy them, we should try to have one on a river, maybe the Volga or the Congo, depending on the winds forecasts.
Of course we are not going to put these polars to the trash, we'll use them form time to time to give them some fresh air :)

Have some good last rides on your board !
