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Message par blzblz » 30 juin 2018 15:44

Let's go for a nonstop round the world journey on a Nicholson32 !

In order to try to stick to the real race (GGR), there will be 11 gates to pass:
Gate 1: Lanzarote (Canary Islands)
Gate 2: Prince Edward Islands to starboard
Gate 3: Crozet Isalnds to starboard
Gate 4: Kerguelen Islands to starboard
Gate 5: 45° S to starboard around Cape Leeuwin
Gate 6: Storm Bay (Hobart)
Gate 7: Snares Islands to starboard
Gate 8: Bounty Islands to starboard
Gate 9: 46° S limit in western Pacific
Gate 10: 46° S limit in central Pacific
Gate 11: Cape Horn to port

It would be much to long to load the 0.25° cells winds on all the path. Thus the wind zone will be gradually shifted as the race move forward.
If you notice that the wind zone doesn't go as far as desired to sail or estimate your route, please ask here for updates.
If you want to have an overview of the winds on the whole path, use the Jules Verne Challenge (1° wind cells).

Carefull ! As noticed during the qualification leg #3, the order and color of the last 2 sails (Light Spi and Heavy Spi) is inverted in the polars table compared to all other boats. We forgot to invert them back to normal and it's now too late to do any significant change one day before the start so it will stay this way, keep this in mind !

We found out a slight problem on the same qualification leg #3 that make the antemeridien impossible to cross on 0.25° wind cell. We'll fix this before we get there, please notify us if we haven't fixed it when sailing south of New Zealand.

The gates position might slightly change before the start tomorrow evening, and the race committee may still make some adjustements during the race to stick to the real race (GGR). In this case, you'll be informed in this forum and in the race news.

This race coefficient has been set to 4, but may be raised to 5 after a race committee decision.

In order to stick to the "old school" spirit of the GGR, and as before on the RG2B, all "external tools" like zezo router or vrtool map table is forbidden on this race. We have no means to verify this, but we count on your fair-play and on the good mood of the players to respect this choice.

This race is going to be long, very long, the longuest ever on regattagame, several hundred days, good luck to everybody :!: ;)

All our support to Loïc Lepage and his Nicholson32 Laaland boat who is competing on the real GGR. Thanks to the donations of the pachas, regattagame gave him a little bit of money, and thus the regattagame name written on her hull will travel round the world :!:

A very nice race to all the mad virtual sailors who will start this uncommon challenge.

The Long Way 2018
(La Longue Route)

Start: Les Sables d Olonne
11 gates, see details in the forum
Finish: Les Sables d Olonne

To stick to the "old ways" of sailing in the GGR, it is NOT allowed to use any external tools on this race, thanks in advance for your fair-play.

Starting Sunday July the 1st, 20h00 UTC+2



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