49er 19WinT#7: CANCELED Sunday February 3rd: Neiafu - Neiafu

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49er 19WinT#7: CANCELED Sunday February 3rd: Neiafu - Neiafu

Message par blzblz » 03 févr. 2019 19:08

49er 2019 Winter Trophy

Leg 7

Start: Neiafu (Tonga)
Gate 1: Tongatapu
Finish: Neiafu (Tonga)

On 0.25° wind cells

Starting Sunday February, the 3rd, 20h00 UTC+2

Tongatafu gate can be passed form East o to West or from West to East, and touch and go is also allowed...


Sunday, 20h22:
This race is CANCELED :!: :!: :!:
Set up too late this late Sunday, and without care, there is no wind in the engine at start time :o
Really sorry for that :(
See you next week for another one ;)


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