Silver Bowl 2019 (Bolée d'Argent)

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Silver Bowl 2019 (Bolée d'Argent)

Message par blzblz » 14 juin 2019 17:17

The Silver Bowl 2019 (called Bolée d'Argent in french) (=Bol d'Or Mirabaud) way back on Lake Genova will start Saturday June the 15th at 10h00 o'clock in the morning :!:

(Notice: starting at 10h00 UTC+2 o'clock in the morning !)

As last year, it will take place on 0.05 degrees wind cells...
And new this year, the winds changes will take place each 3 hours (compared to each 12 hours on all other races) :!:

The winds changes will happen at 02h00, 05h00, 08h00, 11h00, 14h00, 17h00, 20h00 and 23h00, all times in UTC+2.
Winds will start to load 1h30 before winds changes and will be displayed on the interface 1h00 before winds changes.
In case of troubles, winds will go one downloading up to 0h30 before winds changes. If the download is not over at this time, winds will be shifted.

Winds forcasts thanks to:

Silver Cup 19 (Bolée d'Argent 19)
(on Genova Lac)

--- start Saturday June the 15th ---
!!!!! at 10h00 AM in the morning !!!!!

- 0,05 degrees cells wind
- winds update each 3 hours
- boat: Surprise

winds forcasts thanks to:

Starting Saturday June the 15th at 10h00 UTC+2 :!: :!: :!:



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