49er 19SumtT#7: Sunday August 25:Fos sur Mer - Juan les Pins

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49er 19SumtT#7: Sunday August 25:Fos sur Mer - Juan les Pins

Message par blzblz » 24 août 2019 17:37

49er 19 Summer Trophy

Leg 7

Start: Fos sur Mer (France)
Finish: Juan les Pins (France)

On 0.25° wind cells

Starting Sunday August, the 25th, 20h00 UTC+2


Messages : 93
Inscription : 25 août 2019 11:48
Localisation : Cirencester, England
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Re: 49er 19SumtT#7: Sunday August 25:Fos sur Mer - Juan les

Message par Kingfisher829 » 26 août 2019 17:38

Not really sure if i am sailing correctly, but seem to be ghosting along on the south end of the fleet.

Glenn ( aka Kingfisher829 )

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Re: 49er 19SumtT#7: Sunday August 25:Fos sur Mer - Juan les

Message par limelight » 26 août 2019 19:14

I did give up when after tacking for a few hours, each tack with a 70 degree TWA, I realised I would not reach the border of my square before the change of wind and the forecast for the next 12 hours was 0.6 knot. The square east of me was no better. So I pulled the pin and went back to finishing my new VMG calculators. They're all finished now.

Benoitsuomi told me off for giving up :mrgreen: Tough!!!

49ers are not meant to be sailed in less than 10 knot winds, no way they can fly with 0.6 kn.

I hope your kingfisher829 gets some wind soon.

By the way I saw a post from Fred (wineblood) (I think) that suggested it was better if subscriptions to the forum were made with the name of the boats. You broke the rule ;)

I love anarchists!

Cheers mate, good luck with the rest of the race.
Check https://madinstro.net/rg/ for handy navigation tools.

Messages : 93
Inscription : 25 août 2019 11:48
Localisation : Cirencester, England
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Re: 49er 19SumtT#7: Sunday August 25:Fos sur Mer - Juan les

Message par Kingfisher829 » 27 août 2019 08:51

Yes I saw you to the north of me wondering why you were not moving, now i know why john.
I am presuming , it is that little yellow marker, along your course plotter line, that indicates when the wind will change. I am not sure at which hour the wind DOES change to be honest, but i did see that it was going to get very light. That's why i went and kept south.

I registered incorrectly ? :lol: oooops sorry :lol:

I did manage to keep some wind after the wind update, and kept 9th for the last few hours to the finish.

Glenn ( aka Kingfisher829 )

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Re: 49er 19SumtT#7: Sunday August 25:Fos sur Mer - Juan les

Message par blzblz » 27 août 2019 11:50

Hi Glenn;

You're right: the yellow marker on the projection line is where your boat will be at the winds change time.

The winds changes at 07h5N and 19h5N UTC+2 (summer time) and UTC+1 (winter time).
N is different on every race. N is displayed on the top strip, over the clock image (ie N=8 ont the Clipper race).


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Inscription : 22 août 2019 10:15
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Re: 49er 19SumtT#7: Sunday August 25:Fos sur Mer - Juan les

Message par limelight » 27 août 2019 12:04

Glenn a écrit :Yes I saw you to the north of me wondering why you were not moving, now i know why john.
I am presuming , it is that little yellow marker, along your course plotter line, that indicates when the wind will change. I am not sure at which hour the wind DOES change to be honest, but i did see that it was going to get very light. That's why i went and kept south.
I did ask when the wind change occurs. In the top bar just above the sailing chart, there's a little clock with a number next to it. This is the "iteration minute". Wind updates are nominally 08:00 and 20:00 (French time, regardless whether it is Winter = UTC+1, or Summer = UTC + 2). But in fact it happens at the iteration minute just before, so you place a scheduler point always at 07:5n or 19:5n where n is the iteration minute. It's not hard, I'm already used to it. The only little nit is at 07:5n it still shows the old TWA, but if you make it 07:5n+1 it shows the new one, and you can check in the polar diagram what sail you should use, then go back and change the time to 07:5n to grab an extra minute with the good heading.
I registered incorrectly ? :lol: oooops sorry :lol:
It's only a problem if you pay to become "Pacha" (more way points) and special access rights in the forum, but then Fred (wineblood) doesn't know which user in the forum gets the extra rights :)
I did manage to keep some wind after the wind update, and kept 9th for the last few hours to the finish.
Well done!!!
Check https://madinstro.net/rg/ for handy navigation tools.


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