messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Changement 8h et 20h prévisions du NOAA affichées dès que disponibles
Les vents utilisés seront ceux du NOAA légèrement modifiés aléatoirement

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Re: messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Message par blzblz » 17 janv. 2018 20:28

Selon le message ci dessous tombé aujourd'hui, il y aura une opération importante de test entre le lundi 22 et le mercredi 24 janvier sur le site de la NOAA.
Toujours selon ce message, cela ne devrait pas avoir de répercussion sur le chargement des vents.
Nous serons vigilants, et s'il y avait un problème, les vents devraient passer en décalage automatiquement.

##### 17 janvier 2018, 18h13 #####

Sujet: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] System Failover and Backup Testing Notice


Between January 22 and January 24 we will be conducting a major site failover and backup test of our entire data center. Site failovers of NOMADS/ftpprd occur often and without notification to this listserv, but this announcement is to alert users that it will be on a larger scale. We do not expect any impacts, and the failover as always, should be seamless to all of our users. If you do notice any unexplained behavior please contact our helpdesk at


Carissa Klemmer
NCEP Central Operations
Dataflow Team Lead

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Re: messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Message par blzblz » 24 janv. 2018 18:13

C'est la saison du shutdown aux Etats-Unis, à priori sans conséquence pour le chargement des vents.

##### lundi 22 janvier 2018, 17h07 #####

Sujet: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] Impacts of Government Shutdown - 1/22/2018 16Z


Because of the government shutdown all scheduled model upgrades are postponed until a later date. NCEP Web Services, including NOMADS/ftpprd/tgftp, are all operational systems that will remain available and supported.


Carissa Klemmer
NCEP Central Operations
Dataflow Team Lead

NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list ... ads-ftpprd

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Re: messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Message par blzblz » 01 févr. 2018 00:39

Deux messages, du 24 et du 29 janvier, celui du 29 janvier explique peut-être certaines lenteurs de chargement ces jours derniers, notamment sur le JV.

##### 24 janvier 2018, 22h59 #####

Sujet: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] NAM MOS Model Upgraded Wednesday, Jan 24

NCO and MDL are pleased to announce the successful implementation of the NAM-based Model Output Statistics (NAM-MOS) v3.3.1 effective with today's 1200 UTC cycle.

Please see the attached release notes for full details about this upgrade as well as this link to the Service Change Notice: ... namaaa.htm

Justin Cooke
NCEP Central Operations

NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list ... ads-ftpprd

##### 29 janvier 2018, 11h38 #####

Sujet: Re: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] System Failover and Backup Testing Notice

Due to the government shutdown the scheduled NOMADS/ftpprd site failover did not occur on January 22.

The site failovers are rescheduled for Today, January 29 and Wednesday, January 31; on these days we will be conducting a major site failover and backup test of our entire data center. Site failovers of NOMADS/ftpprd occur often and without notification to this listserv, but this announcement is to alert users that it will be on a larger scale. We do not expect any impacts, and the failover as always, should be seamless to all of our users. If you do notice any unexplained behavior please contact our helpdesk at


Justin Cooke
NCEP Central Operations

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 12:13 PM, NOMADS-FTPPRD list <> wrote:


Between January 22 and January 24 we will be conducting a major site failover and backup test of our entire data center. Site failovers of NOMADS/ftpprd occur often and without notification to this listserv, but this announcement is to alert users that it will be on a larger scale. We do not expect any impacts, and the failover as always, should be seamless to all of our users. If you do notice any unexplained behavior please contact our helpdesk at


Carissa Klemmer
NCEP Central Operations
Dataflow Team Lead

NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list ... ads-ftpprd

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Re: messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Message par blzblz » 07 mars 2018 20:35

Message ci-dessous venant de tomber sur la liste de diffusion pour les utilisateurs des données de la NOAA.

Vous avez sans doute remarqué qu'il y a eu des problèmes de chargement des vents hier soir et ce soir.
Comme l'ont dit certaines personnes, d'autres plateformes et routeurs arrivent cependant à charger correctement les vents lors de ces problèmes de la NOAA.
Ca demanderait pas mal de travail de refondre le système de chargement des vents, je le ferai peut-être mais ça ne va pas se faire en un jour.
Toutes nos excuses pour ces petits désagréments temporaires.

##### 7 mars 2018, 20h21 #####

Sujet: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] Reset Errors Impacting Downloads - 3/7/2018 19UTC

NCEP Web Service users,

We are currently investigating an issue that is causing random 'connection reset' errors while users are pulling data. System Admins are currently troubleshooting this problem. We apologize for the inconvenience this is having on users and hope to have it resolved soon.

Carissa Klemmer
NCEP Central Operations
Dataflow Team Lead

NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list ... ads-ftpprd

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Re: messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Message par blzblz » 09 mars 2018 00:29

Problème apparemment résolu:

##### 9 mars 2018, 22h10 #####

Sujet: Re: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] Reset Errors Impacting Downloads - 3/7/2018 19UTC


On 3/8 at 19UTC we believe that we have resolved the issue that was causing users to receive connection reset errors. Thank you for your patience through this event and let us know if you have any further issues by emailing:

Carissa Klemmer
NCEP Central Operations
Dataflow Team Lead

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 7:21 PM, Carissa Klemmer - NOAA Federal <> wrote:

NCEP Web Service users,

We are currently investigating an issue that is causing random 'connection reset' errors while users are pulling data. System Admins are currently troubleshooting this problem. We apologize for the inconvenience this is having on users and hope to have it resolved soon.

Carissa Klemmer
NCEP Central Operations
Dataflow Team Lead

NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list ... ads-ftpprd

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Re: messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Message par blzblz » 07 avr. 2018 13:37

Message tombé cette nuit: il y aurait quelques soucis de connectivité à la NOAA, qui pourraient entrainer des problèmes de chargement des données.
Effectivement, il semble que ce matin les vents aient fini de charger à seuelemtn 07h20.
Faites attention à la couleur du logo des vents avant de faire vos progs.

##### 7 avril 2018, 03h40 #####

Sujet: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] ISSUE: Intermittent Connectivity to Web Services 4/7 01:30 UTC

NCEP has detected an issue with our Web Services that is causing intermittent connectivity for users. We are currently investigating the issue with network admins.

Carissa Klemmer
NCEP Central Operations
Dataflow Team Lead

NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list ... ads-ftpprd

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Re: messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Message par antoine13300LLH » 07 avr. 2018 14:10

Menfou, à 7h20 je dors :lol: :lol: :lol: !

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Re: messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Message par blzblz » 10 avr. 2018 23:28

Il y a des problèmes de chargement des vents ces jours derniers, c'était annoncé et le message tombé ce soir indique qu'ils travaillent sur le problème mais ça n'a pas l'air encore résolu.
Il faut qu'on construise une procédure moins sensible à ces perturbations, c'est en projet.

##### 10 avril 2018, 18h44 #####

Sujet: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] ISSUE: Intermittent Connectivity of NCEP Web Services 4/10 16 UTC


NCEP is aware that during peak model cycles users may be seeing connection reset errors using http protocols. The system admins are aware and working on a permanent solution to our Web Services tiers. Thank you for your patience as we systematically work through the plan to resolve the errors.

If you have any questions please email us at

Carissa Klemmer
NCEP Central Operations
Dataflow Team Lead

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Re: messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Message par blzblz » 15 avr. 2018 10:13

Deux nouveaux messages cette nuit sur la liste de diffusion des utilisateurs des données de la NOAA.
Les problèmes de lenteur des jours derniers semblaient être résolus, cependant, seln les messages suivants, la NOAA a l'air de rencntrer à nouveau quelques problèmes avec son informatique, et effectivement, ce matin les vents étaient prèts uniquement autour de 06h45 sur le Jules Verne et la Frozen.

##### dimanche 15 avril 2018, 02h14 #####

Sujet: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] Problems accessing NOMADS and NCEP FTP Servers

Problems accessing NOMADS and NCEP FTP Servers

Key Points
Due to high cpu load, the NOMADS and NCEP FTP servers are currently slow to respond to user requests for data.
The high cpu load started to occur in Boulder between 2200Z-2230Z.
NCO SAs and network specialists are engaged and troubleshooting.

Senior Duty Meteorologist

NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list ... ads-ftpprd

#### dimanche 15 avril 2018, 07h07 #####

Sujet: Re: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] Problems accessing NOMADS and NCEP FTP Servers

We are experiencing some slowness again...we have failed over ftpprd and nomads to our College Park servers and things should improve soon.

On 15 April 2018 at 00:14, NOAA SDM <> wrote:

Problems accessing NOMADS and NCEP FTP Servers

Key Points
Due to high cpu load, the NOMADS and NCEP FTP servers are currently slow to respond to user requests for data.
The high cpu load started to occur in Boulder between 2200Z-2230Z.
NCO SAs and network specialists are engaged and troubleshooting.

Senior Duty Meteorologist

Senior Duty Meteorologist

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Re: messages de la liste de diffusion de la NOAA

Message par blzblz » 23 avr. 2018 21:21

Trois messages de la NOAA aujourd'hui. Il semblerait qu'ils rencontrent des problèmes, cependant les vents ont chargé à temps ce matin et ce soir.

##### lundi 23 avril 2018, 12h45 #####

Sujet: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] NOMADS and NCEP FTP site unavailable

NOMADS and NCEP FTP users,

Since ~5:20Z today our NOMADS and NCEP FTP sites are responding much slower than usual. Our system administrators are investigating. We apologize for the impact this is causing with model dataset downloads.

NCEP Central Operations

NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list ... ads-ftpprd

##### lundi 23 avril 2018, 14h03 #####

Sujet: Re: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] NOMADS and NCEP FTP site unavailable

We have move our NOMADS and NCEP FTP services to our secondary site, you should see improved system performance since 1130Z.

NCEP Central Operations

On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 6:45 AM, Justin Cooke - NOAA Federal <> wrote:

NOMADS and NCEP FTP users,

Since ~5:20Z today our NOMADS and NCEP FTP sites are responding much slower than usual. Our system administrators are investigating. We apologize for the impact this is causing with model dataset downloads.

NCEP Central Operations

NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list ... ads-ftpprd

##### lundi 23 avril 2018, 15h09 #####

Sujet: Re: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] NOMADS and NCEP FTP site unavailable

We are continuing to see problems with our NOMADS and NCEP FTP services, our system administrators are continuing to investigate.

NCEP Central Operations

On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 8:03 AM, Justin Cooke - NOAA Federal <> wrote:

We have move our NOMADS and NCEP FTP services to our secondary site, you should see improved system performance since 1130Z.

NCEP Central Operations

On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 6:45 AM, Justin Cooke - NOAA Federal <> wrote:

NOMADS and NCEP FTP users,

Since ~5:20Z today our NOMADS and NCEP FTP sites are responding much slower than usual. Our system administrators are investigating. We apologize for the impact this is causing with model dataset downloads.

NCEP Central Operations

NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list ... ads-ftpprd


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