Server update soon - temporary solution

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Server update soon - temporary solution

Message par blzblz » 26 août 2022 05:41


NOAA updated again their conditions for downloading winds yesterday.
The operating system and software versions on Nestor (the server) are too old (6 years) to adapt properly to these changes, so the winds cannot load anymore.

The solution is to update Nestor, or rather to reinstall everything because it is too old to be updated.
This will be done in the next few days, hoping to be done in about a week.

To wait, the game is transferred to the test server, at this address:

This test server is much less powerful than Nestor. There may be some slowdowns. For information, this server saturates when its load exceeds 4 (info displayed on the top right of the interface) (against 16 for Nestor). In this case the map display can be incomplete, lack of land, winds... In this case you have to refresh.

Last night's winds were loaded and all the races were restarted, except the Solitaire and the Cariba.
To finish these 2 races, even if the strategy is completely distorted, we propose to relaunch these two races this evening, Friday August 26th at 8:00 pm, with also the start of the Week Race.

A work of updating the game code has been done in the last years, but it is not completely finished. As a result, some features no longer work with the new versions of the software. This should affect the administration pages more than the player interface, but you are welcome to report possible problems on this thread here, or maybe better in the "Bugs & FAQ" section.

We're not going to start any big races that would straddle the server change when we switch back to the brand new Nestor. But you are welcome to run on the WR, Figaro and short challenges, to report any problems, so we can fix them.

We apologize for the inconvenience, thank you for your understanding, and always... have a nice sailing :!:

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Re: Server update soon - temporary solution

Message par Paradise » 10 sept. 2022 03:28

was looking for the Friday race on **.org but could not find. so I tried the **.net and there it was.

I trust the new server are in use now and will give us un-interrupted sailing for the foreseeable future. :D

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Re: Server update soon - temporary solution

Message par mAKi » 10 sept. 2022 08:00

yes it is! and we hope so too!!
I sent an email to all the players to inform them but I think it didn't get through...the information was also given on the chat, the flash news and the facebook page.
apologies again
plus tard il sera trop tard, notre vie c'est maintenant


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