Bug for vanna on Marseille - Carthage challenge December 2019, the 10th

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Bug for vanna on Marseille - Carthage challenge December 2019, the 10th

Message par blzblz » 11 déc. 2019 00:02

Hi vanna / Damir,

We investigated tonight on what could have happened to your boat on the Marseille - Carthage challenge this afternoon December 2019 the 10th.

You sent this alert on the chat:

10.12 17:22 vanna
Something strange happened to my boat one hour before arrival.I found my boat on anchor for over one hour.I imagined I struck a tiny island which I did not see while programing . I zoomed to the max.but there was no island. A mystery!?

The land layer used to check if the boats run aground has been double checked where the mistake happened, and there is absolutely no rock at this precise location.

Looking at your history, we can not find a stop for one hour: your boat was moving each iteration:
(heure = hour, cap = heading, vit = boat speed, voile = sail)

heure cap vit twa voile latitude longitude
15:07:00 107.0000 40.39 160 P.gennaker 37.65678 9.081015
15:17:00 107.0000 40.39 160 P.gennaker 37.625385 9.210431
15:27:00 107.0000 40.39 160 P.gennaker 37.59399 9.339792
15:37:00 107.0000 40.39 160 P.gennaker 37.562596 9.469099
15:47:00 107.0000 40.39 160 P.gennaker 37.531201 9.598351
15:57:00 95.0000 38.76 157 P.gennaker 37.52217 9.727506
16:07:00 95.0000 38.76 157 P.gennaker 37.513139 9.856645
16:17:00 95.0000 38.76 157 P.gennaker 37.504108 9.985769
16:27:00 140.0000 38.51 158 P.gennaker 37.425827 10.068538
16:37:00 143.0000 30.22 150 P.gennaker 37.361792 10.129286
16:47:00 143.0000 30.22 150 P.gennaker 37.297757 10.189982
16:57:00 51.0000 30.20 118 Code zéro 37.348145 10.268242
17:07:00 -189.0000 30.41 122 P.gennaker 37.268472 10.284115
17:17:00 -189.0000 30.41 122 P.gennaker 37.188799 10.299972
17:27:00 -189.0000 30.41 122 P.gennaker 37.109126 10.315812
17:37:00 -189.0000 30.41 122 P.gennaker 37.029453 10.331635
17:47:00 -189.0000 30.41 122 P.gennaker 36.94978 10.347441
17:57:00 174.0000 30.04 119 P.gennaker 36.870532 10.357864
18:02:00 180.0000 30.04 113 Code zéro 36.830691 10.357864
18:07:00 180.0000 30.04 113 Code zéro 36.790849 10.357864

Up to the 16h57 iteration, this seems to follow your scheduler points that you set around 09h30 this morning if I read the server logs right:
(H = hour, M = minute, C = cap = heading, V = voile = sail, V = 6 = P.gennaker = Heavy Gennaker)

H0=14 M0=27 C0=107 V0=6
H1=15 M1=47 C1=95 V1=6
H2=16 M2=17 C2=140 V2=6
H3=16 M3=27 C3=143 V3=6
H4=17 M4=02 C4=169 V4=6
H5=17 M5=17 C5=170 V5=6
H6=17 M6=44 C6=180 V6=5
H7=17 M7=49 C7=180 V7=5

At 16h47, there is this request coming from you in the server logs:
[10/Dec/2019:16:47:51 +0100] "GET /rg/rg2.0/majocapgt.php?VOIL=%0D%0A0&CAPE=39

This request is either triggered when you set the sail to anchor, or if you set a heading, but still with the sail set to anchor.

We can not explain why your sail was set to anchor, except if you did it yourself (but why ?).
We are very sorry and apologize...

Please can you tell us if your are playing several races at the same time with the same browser (on separate windows or on several tabs) ?
It's not a good idea and it does not work properly: the commands are mixed up between the different races.
If you were in this case, you might have changed a heading on a race or challenge with a boat at the starting point with anchor, which could have set anchor to your boat on the Marseille - Carthage challenge ?
Is this what happened ?

(To have several races opened at the same time, you have to use a different borwser for each race (Firefox, Chromium, Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi, ...)

Messages : 93
Inscription : 25 août 2019 11:48
Localisation : Cirencester, England
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Re: Bug for vanna on Marseille - Carthage challenge December 2019, the 10th

Message par Kingfisher829 » 11 déc. 2019 11:29

A strange phenomena, but i do not know if related.
While at work, i have accessed the game on my android phone. I tried to change some marks in my scheduler, and it went wild. The screen froze, and said I was at anchor...and i could not get back in to see if this was correct. When i arrived home later, I was still sailing !
Could it be something to do with changing boat parameters on android ?

Glenn ( aka Kingfisher829 )


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