Petropavlovsk - Singapour

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Re: Petropavlovsk - Singapour

Message par Coromandel » 08 août 2020 15:52

Re: Petropavlovsk - Singapore
Message by isabert» 08 Aug 2020 15:01

Putch attempt: o
in the South China Sea It is at the exit of the southern coast of Taiwan that the intrigue took off and began to germinate in the head of a Certain skipper!
Caronmur is the instigator of the whole stratagem! : evil:
Since the approach to the North of Taiwan, he had already started a malicious approach and slyly passed in front of Bogillou83, then, not satisfied with taking second place, he prepared his misdeed all along the coast of the Taiwanese island while waiting for that night is falling.
As soon as the Sun set and the skippers with it, he remained in command, his project was already fully mapped out as well as his route, to dive further south and reach Isabert in the early morning.
I still hear him say to himself: You never know, a blow of fog could have fallen and neither seen nor known I confuse you? : twisted:
But it was counting without the benevolence of Aeolus, the god of the winds watched over, and his protégé was Isabert, that's all! :Oops:, nothing should have happened to him and to protect him Eole had only to modify some forces and direction of the winds in the axis of Caronmur, supported in his approach by his sidekick Mister Aléatoire! ;)Hop there and voila !!
The attempt was daring and timely, but it was so Caronmur was punished for his audacity by receiving bad winds to annihilate his work.
Fortunately Bogillou83 did not participate in this attempt, he felt the crappy blow and in doubt abstained!:?Well he took it! he recovers the second place that Caronmur had stolen from him.
In the Philippines approach two suitors Sextant and Coromandel they also have the favors of Eole and not just a little !! they were able to approach the first islands with strong south-westerly winds which should be prolonged and propel them rapidly into the China Sea, but this will be the occasion of a new intrigue? : D
For boats even further east, whether Glomerule20, Marti54, or Glomerule20 at the head of the lines, the chances seem quite compromised, the detour will have been too great and the downwinds absent, it seems that the shortest route was well which one to choose unless the two scouts prove the contrary to us? :?
Good luck to all

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Re: Petropavlovsk - Singapour

Message par Coromandel » 08 août 2020 18:02

I was initially planning to sail north of Luzon and made the mistake of staying on this course toooooo long. Lost a lot of time here. :cry:
Now sailing with sextant through the islands tonight. Hope the fog lifts.

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Re: Petropavlovsk - Singapour

Message par Coromandel » 10 août 2020 23:43

Re: Petropavlovsk - Singapore
Message by isabert» Aug 10, 2020 11:10 PM

Preparation for the final runaway
The winds have forced the head of the race to approach the coast of Vietnam, but it is now time to resume the South Towards the Riau Archipelago, with south-westerly winds more or less well oriented according to the placement of each but on average more and more "flat" the more one is located towards the west.
Nothing has yet been able to stand in the way of Eole's will and Isabert remains in the best position to end this long race across Asian seas, Bogillou83 in his wake at about two hours and Caronmur should complete the podium, the latter is paying dearly for his attack but tries a direct course due south with a little luck this time perhaps that the wind directions will be favorable to him to pick up again but in view of the forecasts since several shifts the winds seem very little inclined to change. :?
For accessits, several mano to mano are in progress, Lespirouge and Fraeneon FMR,
Vanna FMR and Lou pescadou83, a little higher Ankez63 then Maki and Hasta still set back to the North.8-)
Further south with a stepped descent, a Quintete composed of Kerbisou, Koala13, Mouche 33 haka, and the two survivors of the Pacific, Coromandel and Sextant, are ready to fight in an orderly line !! : twisted:
For most of the following boats, they are in the middle of the China Sea having bypassed the Philippines from the North, we find Benoitsuomi FMR, Raptor and Hello Boy. Then the diehards of the East are in the middle of the Philippine labyrinth and even for the most advanced, Garfield, Marti54, Bachibouzouk BPT, exiting the Sulu Sea, the road will still be long.: roll:
A very beautiful new race which made us discover the horizons of the rising sun and then of the China Seas, on trajectories little traveled so far over such long distances, a very stretched Fleet, even scattered which clearly shows the difficulty of sailing in these waters.
Good luck to all

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Re: Petropavlovsk - Singapour

Message par Coromandel » 12 août 2020 21:51

Re: Petropavlovsk - Singapore
Message by isabert» August 12, 2020 19:43

Singapore Inaccessible The
more the days go by, the more the finish goes back, : shock:
This race seems interminable. : roll:
At each switch, the surprise is not good and while according to the forecasts at the beginning of the week the first could lounge on a Singaporean terrace, this is not the case everyone must put their heart into the work to redo a course that seems to be getting longer every day. it must be said that it is discouraging, I even lost taste of finishing the race and without the encouragement of Caronmur, it could well be that Isabert is currently lost in Malaysian waters or clinging to a pebble of the archipelago of the Riau Islands. ;)
The imposed winds and the good draw, or not, in the lottery of each scale, will have finally had the merit of reducing the spaces between the boats and reviving the motivation of each one, to finish this race as well as possible, to keep his classification, to score a or a few places or even lose some! : o
The arrival is still scheduled for tomorrow Thursday from 9:30 am and the incessant flow of arriving boats will be incessant for several days as the fleet is stretched.
Isabert "should" come first and win this race conducted almost from start to finish, Bogillou83 in second deserving the Palme for tenacity, Caronmur coming to complete the podium, to whom we can award the Palme for the Most Combative, by seeking often a different route.: twisted:Then it is not easy to see clearly anyway it will be tight after despite everything these days of racing.
Good end of race to all

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Re: Petropavlovsk - Singapour

Message par limelight » 14 août 2020 00:26

Congratulations to Bertrand (1st) but also to Frank (7th) who translated all those interesting race reports. Frank was a possible 3rd or 4th until he had to cross a weaker wind cell near the finish. Well done Frank!
Check for handy navigation tools.

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Inscription : 28 août 2019 16:39
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Re: Petropavlovsk - Singapour

Message par Coromandel » 14 août 2020 09:38

Thanks John, it was an interesting race with the China sea and the Pacific option. My major mistake was that I had planned to sail north of Luzon and stuck to this wrong route much too long. By the time I had chosen to take the island cluster route sextant had smartly passed me and managed to get a 70 minute lead. :x

Bertrand's regular reports were a pleasure to read and made the race so much more entertaining.They were very well written


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