Game presentation

What's up on Regatta Game?

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Game presentation

Message par wineblood » 28 août 2015 02:10

Hi there, I'll try to make a first translation, maybe some updates later.

Regattagame is a sailboats virtual race game.

The game offers different kind of races.
Some follows major real regattas. They take place at the same time and can last from a few weeks to several months.
Others last less, from a few days to one week. They are a good start to discover the game and need less time. Their route is always different.
Some "continuous challenges" are also permanently opened. They don't last long (1 day / 1 week). The aim is then to choose the best wind forecasts to beat a record.

The winds parameters (strength and angle) fit reality. They come from the NOAA forecasts. The winds are updated twice a day, at 08h00 and 20h00 european time (UTC+1 in winter, UTC+2 in summer).
Regattagame is a "cell" game, which means that the wind parameters are the same in each 1 degree by 1 degree cell (different from the interpolated winds games).
The game interfaces displays the winds forecasts up to 168 hours, thus enabling to build the best route.

The boats and their 5 sails polar diagrams change from races to races. Of course, the aim of game is to choose the best sail depending on one's heading and each cell's winds parameters.

The boats positions is calculated every ten minutes (one iteration). For pratical reasons, the races have not the same iteration minute (from 0 to 9).

To build one's strategy, the game offers different tools like the polar diagrams, the projection line of the next positions every ten minutes or the exact time of the next cell crossing.
In order not to have to stay in front of one's screen all the day (and night) long, the game offers precious tools like the "regulator", the way-points and the "programmator".

Regattagame is build out of free softwares and does not need extra plug-ins of any kind. It is optimized for Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari web browsers.

Regattagame is a free game. It is developed by a team of volunteers. It is NOT bug free. Bugs are regularly declared, commeted and solved on its forum.
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Message(s) : 285
Inscription : 16 Oct 2014 21:05


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