Carnaval 2023 - The rules

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Carnaval 2023 - The rules

Message par limelight » 19 janv. 2023 10:12

Carnival 2023 Team challenge rules

The Challenge takes place on the 7 legs of this race.
A minimum of 5 teams is required to complete the challenge.

Deadline for registration

Team registrations will be closed 24 hours after the start of the first leg.

Team Make-up

The teams are composed of 3 boats minimum or 4 boats maximum.

Each skipper engages only one boat per team, he has the possibility to participate with another boat in a different team, but he can’t be present in two different teams with the same boat.

If at the registration deadline, it is found that a player is present in two teams with the same boat, the registrations to the Challenge of the teams concerned will not be validated.

A team captain is appointed to each team in order to recruit and give the composition of his team to the Organizing Committee of the Challenge on the forum «Team challenge». He is the only interlocutor of the Organizing Committee for all complaints.

In the case of unavailability, the team captain may appoint an alternate to the Organisation Committee for the duration of his unavailability.

Challenge ranking

The ranking is done by points.

The top 3 rankings of each team are taken into account in each of the 7 legs.

The team that has the lowest total points after all the legs minus legs joker wins the Challenge.

Method of awarding points:

1st skipper of the Challenge, Challenge points: 0

2nd skipper of the Challenge, Challenge points: 2

3rd skipper of the Challenge, Challenge points: 3

and so on until the last arrival of the Challenge.

If a skipper does not participate to a leg (not starting for a leg..) (DNS) and has not been replaced:
This skipper will be credited with the total number of participants in the Challenge + 2 points.

A daily ranking of the current leg will be published.

From the second leg a general ranking will be published daily.


There will be 2 jokers on the 7 legs, so only the 5 best results of each team will be retained for the general ranking.

The first joker will be set up from the 4th leg, the second joker will be set up from the 6th leg.


Replacements are allowed within the limit of one replacement by team and by leg notified to the Organizing Committee on the forum «Team challenge» before the start of the leg.

A second replacement case may be possible within 24 hours of departure and provided the replaced boat is a DNS.

Challenge rules

The challenge rules can change at any time by decision of the Challenge Organizing Committee.

Any changes will be brought to the attention of the players on the forum «Team challenge».

Registration for the Challenge implies acceptance of the Challenge rules.


Good will, Fair play, spirited sailing and competition desired. Have fun!
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Messages : 733
Inscription : 22 août 2019 10:15
Localisation : Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Carnaval 2023 - The rules

Message par limelight » 29 janv. 2023 22:58

Small change to the rules, team nominations will be accepted until one week following the start of the first leg,

Come on Jolly Tars! Form up your teams and fair winds and following seas may you have!
Check for handy navigation tools.


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