User manual

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Re: User manual

Message par blzblz » 02 oct. 2019 20:28

vanna a écrit :While I am on the computer everything works perfectly,the problems start while I am not at home or sleeping,than I have to programme the boat.
Sure, this is way to play that we all do, with the help of the scheduler, and the AutoHeading sometimes ! ;)
vanna a écrit : It can not be programmed following TWA, ... ... ...
What do you mean by "programmed following" TWA ?

Set a heading, thus a twa, let's say 42° while sailing upwind, turn on the autoheading, the boat will keep the 42° twa cell after cell, (don't panic if the twa display is wrong on the first iteration after each cell crossing, known display bug, refresh the second one), is this what you're looking for ?

Heading only can be set into the programming (scheduler), would you like to be able to set the twa instead of the heading in the scheduler ?
(The twa of each scheduler point is displayed, right ?)

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Re: User manual

Message par blzblz » 02 oct. 2019 20:46

vanna a écrit :Hi BLZ ,
I have just noted that in this game there is the same wind for 12 hours in the square 60x60 NM,therefor there is no gradual change of direction and strength of the wind.
It is actually sailing from square to square at best possible way taking in consideration wind strength and direction.
Now many things are clear.
Yes vanna, you've got it !
Same wind on each cell (1°, 0.5°, 0.25°, 0.05°) depending on the races and the boats ;)

Winds are not time and space interpolaed like in LS or VLM, only 2 updates a day, at 08h00 and 20h00 european time.
(With a very special 3 hours update on the Bolée d'Argent ;) )

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Re: User manual

Message par limelight » 02 oct. 2019 21:40

vanna a écrit :While I am on the computer everything works perfectly,the problems start while I am not at home or sleeping,than I have to programme the boat.
It can not be programmed following TWA,bot only following the course,which means in strait line.The direction of the wind is changing and and my TWA too,which means that to stay on same TWA,I should programme a lot of points in strait line with different courses,until I decide to programme luff of the boat.
After luff I should continue in same manner.
Damir, the "regulator", if switched on, will maintain the same TWA cell after cell and even after a weather update, there is no need to program any point. Also if you do program some schedule points, meeting the first one will automatically turn the auto heading (regulator) off.

Personally, I tend to not use the auto heading because with 9 scheduler points I can certainlycover 12 hours of sailing. Basically one point at each cell crossing where the wind is different and may require a course or sail change. Unlike at LS, the scheduler way points don't drift in a 12 hour period (from weather update to weather update). They will drift after that because the winds probably won't match the forecast.

The weather updates can be thought of as happening at 07:5x and 19:5x where x is the iteration minute. So a 07:5x or 19:5x I place a schedule points and set a course based on the 12h wind. If I do that 1 hour before the weather update, the boat will sail correctly after 08:00 or 20:00. It will look funny between 07:5x amd 08:00 because the display will show the old wind and the boat will already be heading as set for the new wind. Whatever you do, don't touch anything between those few minutes (it's best not to even look :D )

(by the way I assumed that when you said "luff" you meant tack. Did you mean something else? We can't luff competitors here as we can in a real race, it would be fun if we could :lol: )


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Re: User manual

Message par limelight » 02 oct. 2019 21:59


I also forgot to say that you're not limited to setting schedule points at the iteration minute, you can set them at any time so you can follow the coast closely. You can even set several within the two iterations. I've done it a few times, usually near the finish line, 4 or 5 shedule points within a 10 minute period with 2 sail changes. It works just fine!


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Re: User manual

Message par blzblz » 03 oct. 2019 02:24

You are full right, limelight, thanks a lot for the full version :!:

When sailing the JV at high latitudes, 150° twa heavy spi autoheading is very fancy for some days long ;)

Sorry, I don't get it between luff and stack :\ please elaborate, we want fun !

There are tricks on jumping cell to cell, talked about there in the french section of the forum, we need to translate it, ask please if you don't get the best jump idea:

"'French forum" / "Manuel d'utilisation" / "Petites astuces du jeu" (meaning "Little Tricks with the Game")

Please have a look on the following link (Xmas Race 2015 page 2):
("Forum français" / "Courses" / "Courses en cours" / "Courses archivées" / "Xmas Race") (2015)
You can set a scheduler point every minute
Sure they re-scheduled their next 9 points every iteration close to the rocks (so good a race by the way !)

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Re: User manual

Message par limelight » 03 oct. 2019 08:55

blzblz a écrit : Sorry, I don't get it between luff and stack :\ please elaborate, we want fun !
Damir said "luff" as a verb which means "lofer" in French (turning closer towards the wind but without crossing over). I assumed he meant "tack" which means "virer de bord" in French.

As a noun, the luff is the leading edge of a sail, and the other two sides are the foot (bottom) and the leech (trailing edge), I'm assuming a triangular sail of course. For a gaff sail (gréement aurique in French) the top of the sail is the head.
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