Regattagame association

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Inscription : 21 août 2015 23:00
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Regattagame association

Message par stakk » 20 janv. 2016 21:03

The bank statements of the regattagame association are available to the members of the association : i.e. the ones who donate and have the status of Pacha.

Please see in the forum topic "la vie de l'association" in the French forum that is available when logged in the forum.
If a Pacha doesn't have access to the forum, please contact Wineblood.

Wineblood will produce soon the end-of-year report and balance sheet for 2015 and the objectives for 2016.

Regattagame is a non profit association (in accordance with French law 1901) and exists only thanks to your donations.
The development and support effort is still huge and is sometimes not noticeable but still concrete. ;)
Many thanks to all and have fair (virtual) winds!


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