Become "pacha"

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Become "pacha"

Message par blzblz » 18 sept. 2015 19:24

Pacha is a nickname for a boat commanding officer.

On each race starting page, there is a "devenez PACHA" button (become PACHA).

The text at the top tells:

Reggatagame in a 1901 french law non profit association.
It is managed by volunteers but it needs your help to rent its server's hosting.
Please donate to help us to make this a living game.

The text at bottom tells:

Donate 20 euros to become PACHA for one year.
Being PACHA will double the number of "programmings" (from 5 to 9) and the number of waypoints (from 5 to 9).
It will also let you customize the interface (mostly text and land colors).
And it provides the double scheduler, very usefull tool to compare routes :!:


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